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Our Beginning: A Short Story

Updated: Aug 16, 2021

If you've ever watch Cheers, How I Met your Mother, or another show with a neighborhood bar, you've likely seen the connection that a location can have in a community. A family-friendly bar can become like a second home. One where you got to celebrate your wins and mourn your losses. One where the bartender knows your name and asks about your recent promotion. Where the server remembers your dog and notices your recent engagement.

George and Jeannie are local to North Asheville and they hoped to bring a location like that to the community. Through a global pandemic, they spent their time building and dreaming about what this place would be. Carefully choosing how it would look and feel. Building a menu they believed would bring joy to their neighbors.

They brought in their nephew to run the bar, their daughter to photograph it, and the whole family pitched in: early mornings and late nights. Truly a labor of love.

Now, just a few months in, The Village Porch is becoming exactly what they wanted: a local bar for local folks.

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